Love is one of the highest values in Surrealism. André Bretón and Paul Eward concieved it as, above all, “mad love”. Love is, then, poetry; both share the same nature and both drink from the same source since the source of eroticism is also from where poetry flows. This concept is nothing less than revolutionary.
André Bretón’s concept of “mad love” is developed here on stage, springing from both fiction and reality. The reality is that in which two people have met in the theatre of a cinema and from their unconscious selves begin the work of constructing their own Amor fou.
Where does the line between reality and desire exist? Where are the limits that divide reality and imagination? Where is the line between reality and fiction? Where is the line between what is real and what is unreachable? Would you be able to say which has been the most important meeting in your life?
Idea and direction: Meritxell Barberá & Inma García.
Choreography: Taiat Dansa.
Dancers: Meritxell Barberá, Àngel Figols, Inma García and Pep garrigues.
Interpretative Director: Àngel Figols.
Text: Mikel Labastida.
Original Music: Caldo.
Costume Design: Joan Miquel Reig.
Set Design: Nacho Ruiz.
Light Design: Víctor Antón.
Makeup: Quica Belda.
Photography: José Luis Abad.
Stage Manager: Vicente Valls.
Promotional Photography: Yolanda Cruz.
Graphic Design: David Barberá.
Distribution: Paula Muñoz.
Press and promotion: Inventa.
Coproduction: Teatres Generalitat Valenciana, Centre Coreogràfic Comunitat Valenciana, Ajuntament de València, Centre Cultural Almussafes.