
With this work the choreographers Meritxell Barberá and Inma García set off on a new artistic journey as directors of the company. It is their first full length piece, their most amibitious y mature work directors y choregraphers to date. Nada brings together the common themes of their burgeoning career: daringness, modernity and risk.

This piece represents an important step forward to note on their CV due to its complexity and artistic approach. In it, Nada or ‘Nothing’ is considered as the emptiness and solitude of modern man, to which five possible solutions are offered. These are love, belief in a higher being, the all encompassing society around us that makes us anonymous, reason and the individual who posits eternal questions about his existence.

As time moves forward technology takes hold and takes over our lives. We must deal with new concepts, new ideas and new social models. The strict rules of daily life, competition at work and stress all conduct us towards a state of isolation from the rest of the world in which we must live with our solitude and become accustomed to a lack of communication. “We fight for nothing. We love for nothing. We hate for nothing. We feel for nothing. We hope for nothing. We live trapped by nothing. The time has come to break out of this nothingness.”

Concept and direction: Meritxell Barberá & Inma García.

Choreography: Taiat Dansa.

Dancers: Meritxell Barberá, Àngel Figols, Inma García, Lorena López, Dimas Poveda, Ángela Verdugo.

Interpretative director: Àngel Figols.

Texts: Mikel Labastida and Àngel Figols.

Original music: Caldo.

Vertical Structures: Dimas Poveda.

Ligthing design: Víctor Antón.

Make-up: Quica Belda.

Photography: José Luis Abad.

Stage Manager: Vicente Valls.

Promotional Video: Alberto Abenza, Andrés Gimeno and Cristina Valero.

Mulltimedia Design: Cdroig.

Wardrove: Carola Falgás.

Graphic Design: David Barberá.

Distribution: Paula Muñoz.

Press and promotion: Inventa.

Coproduction: Teatres Generalitat Valenciana, Centre Coreogràfic Comunitat Valenciana.