The choreographers Inma García y Meritxell Barberá, fascinated by the work of this artist propose an investigation work with dancers from different dance companies, in EEUU, Spain and Europe, with whom they pretend to reflex about the implied dance on Man Ray photographies.
For them body and movement are the main characters of this artist artwork. It’s barely known the relation between Man Ray and dance. In fact, he studied dance and is said that is a great dancer, with elegant and personal forms. What is known worldwide is that it is one of the most prolific and important artists in the early XX century.
Man Ray Dancer begins in August 2014 with the company DanceWorks Chicago. After an intense work for days with the dancers from the company the work in progress was presented in the auditorium from Instituto Cervantes de Chicago.
In autumn 2016 the complete piece is presented in the auditorium from the Museum of Contemporary Art of Chicago.
In the meantime both choreographers continue with the work with other companies, generating portraits and self-portraits from the body with that surrealistic vision that had the photos from the artist.
In April 2015 both choreographers work in this piece with Ballet de la Generalitat Valenciana that was presented in the Teatro Rialto from Valencia.
Idea and direction: Meritxell Barberá & Inma García
Company: Danceworks Chicago / Ballet Generalitat Valenciana
Choreography: Meritxell Barberá & Inma García in collaboration with the dancers from Danceworks Chicago and Ballet de la Generalitat.
Original music: Caldo.
Collaboration: Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Chicago, Instituto Cervantes de Chicago, Taiat Dansa, Danceworks Chicago, Ballet de la Generalitat and Tetares de la Generalitat.