Memoria Azul goes deely into the worlds of desire, dreams, games, fears, shame, pleasure, sex, the imaginary, death, failure, winning, innocence, good and bad, exclusión, integration, discovery, learning, punishment and conscience.
Memoria Azul delves into childhood memories as that point of departure that has repuercussions throughout the rest of our lives. It came about as the result of a sense of the need to navigate in that past, in those early years, to discover how much we retain of that time and what impression it leaves on the person we are in adult life. It deals with the themes of happy childhoods and the conflicts that arose, speaking of the images and spaces we remember from those first years of life, of our memory of that fledgling body.
Memoria Azul is a call to our infancy to resuscitate a life that as adults we have left behind in some corner of our minds. The memory of that time could appear as an interior room deep inside the individual, a space to which we can turn when seeking answers to our questions about ourselves.
Idea and artistic direction: Meritxell Barberá & Inma García.
Asistant on stage design: Àngel Figols.
Dancers: Inma García, Pep Garrigues, Àngel Figols, Eric Chlench and Meritxell Barberá.
Interpretor: Edu Marín.
In collaboration with: Germana Civera and Iñaki Azpillaga.
Kung-fu teacher: Raúl Boitía.
Original music: Caldo.
Texts: Mikel Labastida.
Light Design: Víctor Antón.
Stage Design: Nacho Ruiz.
Production: Centro Coreográfico de la Comunidad Valenciana.
Executive production: Amaia Morató.
Graphic Design: Concepto Gráfico.
Photography: Jose Luis Abad.
Press and comunication: Inventa.
Coproduction Teatres Generalitat Valenciana, Centre Coreogràfic Comunitat Valenciana, INAEM.